Roles & Terminology Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
User & Admin Roles

Target Users
All Users

Required Permissions



Definitions:  Roles and Other Terminology


Accounts Receivable (AR) Admin - Full administration rights over the Bills of Collection (BOC) in the Receivables module. Ability to edit your own Bills of Collection, which is a unique ability of this role.

AR Configurator - Configuration permissions only.  Ability to read BOCs but cannot manage users.

AR Read-Only - Ability to view the AR module and all details of a BOC without the ability to make any modifications.

AR Tech - Ability to handle fund cite strips, set fund cites to BOCs, send manual notifications, initiate write-offs of BOCs, send packages to CGFS, void BOCs, and edit specific fields such as dispute dates, descriptions, and outcomes, payroll collection dates, and outcomes after the BOC process has started.

BOC Initiator - Ability to create/view a BOC for any bill type for which you have been granted permissions.  NOTE:  Only System Administrators (ADG personnel) can grant or revoke access to bill types to a BOC Initiator.  

Collection Clerk - Ability to send additional notifications, manage exchange rates, collect payments, attach OF-158 forms, and close fully paid bills.

FMO - Has all the permissions of an AR Technician, plus write-off authority for vendor BOCs.  Ability to review and forward employee BOCs to the Write-Off Authority.  This role is notified about disputes and payroll collections.

HR/Payroll Office - Access to the My Bill of Collection and Supervised Employees dashboards within the My Dashboard page.  The main ability of this role is to have access to the Outstanding Employees BOC  page, which shows a summation of the total amount due for the Employee recipients.

Instance Administrator - Complete administrative rights over all settings, including user administration, within the Accounts Receivable module.  Responsibilities include managing positions, sections, viewing/creating recipients, submitting mass updates, viewing billing types, managing agencies, managing all email configurations for all posts, managing drafts, open, and closed bills, managing pending fiscal data, initiating a voided bill, and amending bills.

Local Permission Manager - Authority to grant permissions within all modules.

Local Permission Viewer - Ability to view permissions across all modules exclusively for audit purposes.

Section Head - Access to a dashboard displaying a list of recipients and amounts within the sections you are assigned to.

System Administrator - Manages instances (posts), post codes, email templates, and currencies.  ADG Personnel.

User - Person assigned a specific role and is granted permissions based on that role.

Write-Off Authority - Ability to view, approve, or reject any pending Write-Off requests requiring your approval.  This role is typically delegated to an Ambassador or Management Officer.



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