Pre-requisites: HR Admin |
Topics Covered
Batch File Upload
Target Users
HR Admins
Required Permissions
HR Admin
How to Upload Batch Files
Files must be uploaded to LeOPF in PDF format. Once files are scanned into a PDF, they can then be uploaded and added to the respective employee’s profile. There are two ways to upload files either as batch files or individual files.
You will need to select a destination folder by scrolling through the drop-down menu or you can select Batch File for Processing.
If you only have one file which is already identified and you know where to store this file, then use one of the following folder options: Personal Information, OPF, OPF/JF-62A, EPF, EPF/EPR, EPF/Awards, or EPF/Training.
When going through the deployment process and uploading files, you can scan batch files from the employee’s paper file and then import using the Batch File Processing function. This will allow Post HR Admins to upload files and Auto-Rename function built into LeOPF will read the documents, then split the file into documents based on the document type and assign a name based on the predefined naming structure. You can use this function for multi-page documents, just make sure all the pages are included in the batch file when it is uploaded. Documents which are not programmed in Auto-Rename will be automatically placed in the Personal Information folder. ADG recommends HR Admins to review the files saved in the Personal Information and rename files accordingly, please keep file size to a maximum of 30 MB.
Files can either be uploaded from a drive or you can drag and drop them into the box.
Once the Auto-Rename is finished, the new files will appear in the destination folder with their names already assigned.
All files which have been named with Auto-Rename will be stored in the Personal Information folder. Auto-Rename will also identify files with low “certainty” and assign a tag with the known file type, however the file will still be assigned to the Personal Information folder. HR Admins should always check the Personal Information folder after uploading batch files and manually rename and move files as needed into the correct folders.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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