Managing Classified Categories Follow


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Managing Classified Categories

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Content Managers

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Content Managers



Customizing Categories

Content Managers has the ability to customize Classified Categories beyond the three default categories. This article explains how to manage and configure different Classified Categories.


How to Setup & Edit a New Classified Category

To create an additional Classified Category.

Navigate to Content Management > Classified Categories.

From the Classified Categories page.

The users will then find the default categories and the two additional customizable categories.

For example, the screenshot below indicates "Other" and "Sporting Events". 

Tip: These are the only categories users can rename or disable.


There is also a Toggle Switch located at the top right corner of the panel - Enable Classifieds.

Enable Classifieds Toggle Switch allows users to quickly enable or disable the entire classified categories.

Each Category also has its own Toggle Switch.

Users are able to make the Toggle Switch Enable to control the visibility of the Classified Category for the following:

Visible: BLUE

Invisible: GREY

For easy identification, Each category also has its own color code associated in the Color column.

Users are able to enter the desired name for the new Classified Category in the provided text field.

To customize the color associated with the Classified Category:

Click the Color Box and select the preferred shade.

Tip: Only the fourth and fifth categories require editing for the Category Name, Color, and enabling or disabling visibility on the ATLAS Welkom Center homepage. However, note that you can only change the color of the default categories; other attributes, like the name or visibility, are locked for these defaults.


All changes made are automatically saved.




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