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Administrative Tools & Services (ATLAS)

Accessible collection of web applications available outside of Open-Net that authenticate with Okta. 


Application for Benefits of Local Employees (ABLE)

A cloud-based application to assist in calculating Social Security deductions.


Application Development Group (ADG)

DoS’s software development group that has a “Field First” focus and recognizes the need for custom software solutions to fill in the gaps between off-the-shelf applications and the unique needs of US diplomatic missions and their employees. Link


Application Programming Interface (APIs)

A way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other.


Assigned to a Residence Status

[ATLAS Housing]  The USDH has been assigned a residence.


ATLAS Financials

Used for FMC departments to collect on money owed by employees.  NOTE:  ATLAS Financials is expanding, covering a broader range of financial tasks.  More to come during 2024.


ATLAS Directory

Cloud-hosted application replacing legacy eDirectory systems.



Electronic signature tool that provides an interface for creating a workflow for signatures.


ATLAS Housing

A tool for Posts to manage housing assignments and track the make-ready process -- all in one place.


ATLAS Welkom Center

Replaces Onboarding Extranet with a new look and additional functionalities.


ATLAS Workflows

Fully customizable application to create a task or collection of tasks at any time across a Post or Mission.


Authority to Operate  (ATO)

The rigorous assessment program all ADG systems have been through and approved for to operate in the Azure Cloud.


Azure Cloud

A cloud computing platform and an online portal that allows you to access and manage cloud services and resources provided by Microsoft.




[ATLAS Housing] Collection of housing assignment recommendations submitted to the IAHB for a vote or for direct approval.  



Bill of Collection



Commissioning Process

[ATLAS Housing] Process of adding a new residence to the Housing Pool of your Post.



Comptroller and Global Financial Services



Decommissioning  Process

[ATLAS Housing] Process of removing an existing residence from Post's housing pool.



[ATLAS Workflows.]  When a task or item is DEPENDENT on another task; the Task or Item will not be available for work or completion unless the value of the Data Collection Field matches the value configured in the Dependency.



Application to provide posts with an automated method to create Diplomatic communications.


Duty Officer Scheduler

This App coordinates the efforts of the Management, HR, ACS, and the RSO offices in planning the Duty Officer schedule and centralizing documentation.




An account ending in ''



Fiscal Strip

A string of characters that Government agencies use for payment information on budget, acquisition, and voucher documents.  Each fiscal strip is unique.


Financial Management Center (FMC)

A central financial center, usually CGFS Charleston, used for financial reporting and transactions including ATLAS Financials.



Global Applications Portal (GAP)

The home page of the Application Development Group (ADG). The GAP hosts the ADG's news articles and upcoming events, and features the Product Catalog complete with each product's information, compliance status, and deployment progress by Bureau. The monthly ADG Newsletter, the Scoop, is also featured on the GAP for download. Link



Cloud based application to facilitate merit based compensation for locally employed staff.



*See RCA.



Bureau of Global Talent Management. Responsible for hiring, developing, assigning, and supporting the Department's employees.


Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons.



Help Widget

Tool found in all ADG applications, located in the lower right corner of the screen, for its users and service providers to find articles or User Guides related to the application or section of the application the user is working in.


Housing Assignment Status

Position within the housing assignment process.


Housing Pool

Group of residence's that belong to your Post by location



HR Bureau's main intranet (OpenNet) web-portal including FSBid, eOPF, CTS, RB, Scorecard, PCSTravel, OCATS, PATS, TEMS, SLRP, BATs and more.



International Currency Exchange (ICE)

Global currency exchange converter.



A user's Post.


Inter-Agency Housing Board (IAHB)

Established at every post with three or more U.S. Government agencies, Post’s IAHB functions as an independent working group and  implements housing policies in compliance with the regulations and standards set forth in 15 FAM 200.  Of notable importance is their responsibility to approve housing assignments of all incoming USDH employees.


ISSO Desktop

Collection of ISSO/ISO links, references, and more. This is a one stop shop to find all things ISSO/ISO related.





Key Officers

An application built to help users quickly search key officers at any Post.


Knowledge Base

A self-serve online library of information about ADG applications.  Link



LC Dollar

Local Currency Dollar



Locally Employed Staff



A system for storing the LE Records at post.



Make Ready Process

[ATLAS Housing]  Process to preparing an existent residence within your Housing Pool for the arrival of a new USDH after the departure of former occupant.


Management Controls

The application automates recurring taskers for Management Sections.


Med Travel COVID-19 Tracker

A tool to assist health unitsmanage travel-related COVID-19 testing of travelers and reporting requirements for these numbers to MED/HART in D.C.



[ATLAS Workflows]  Indicators of progress that can be tracked across all workflows.  Created for an organization and can be used within any workflow for a Task, Task Group, or Fillable Form.  When the item is completed the Milestone is marked completed and any pre-configured Milestone Notifications would be triggered.


Master Reference Data (MRD)

Provides a user-friendly, easily accessible central source for the State Department’s standard reference data.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

An authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account.




Any account not ending in ''



Offline Event Check-In

Mobile event check-in application to assist Protocol and IRM departments better manage guest check-in at events.



Connects any person with applications on any device.


Okta Dashboard

The platform to access your enterprise applications (Okta and ADG apps) securely.  Link


Okta Verify

A multifactor authentication (MFA) app. It lets users verify their identity and makes it less likely someone pretending to be the user can gain access to the account.


Onboarding Extranet

Share pre-arrival information to all staff and family members of all agencies over the internet.


Online Auction (OA)

Helps our embassies and consulates reduce costs and boost revenue from excess property sales.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Technology that converts typed, handwritten, or printed text from images into machine-encoded text.


Overseas Award System (OAS)

A module of the GoMBC Platform that allows Posts to process awards for LE Staff.




Personally Identifiable Information.  Information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify an individual.


Platform as a Service (PaaS)

ADG's Azure operating environment.


Production Instance

The period of time when Post prepares user permissions and sets up their ATLAS application to release to Post's community.


Power Automate

The online workflow service included in the Power Platform suite of services that allows users to automate actions across over 500 apps and services in the cloud.


Power BI

A business intelligence (BI) platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data, similar to Excel.


Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

A set of tools and policies used to create and maintain digital certificates and certificate chains.


PKI Signature

The creation of digital signatures through (PKI) . Through PKI, each digital signature transaction includes a pair of keys: a private key and a public key. The private key, as the name implies, is not shared and is used only by the signer to electronically sign documents. The public key is openly available and used by those who need to validate the signer’s electronic signature. 



Questionnaire in Progress Status

[ATLAS Housing] The incoming Officer has the Housing Questionnaire and is in the process of completing it.



Ready for Questionnaire Status

[ATLAS Housing] The incoming officer is ready to fill out the housing questionnaire.


Ready for Recommendations Status

[ATLAS Housing] The GSO Housing Office is ready to determine housing assignment recommendations for the IAHB.


Ready for Review Status

[ATLAS Housing] Post's Housing Office has the Housing Questionnaire and is able to review it for the housing assignment.


Ready to Submit to IAHB Status

[ATLAS Housing] The GSO Housing Office is ready to present recommendations to the IAHB for housing assignments.


Ready for Assignment Status

[ATLAS Housing] The IAHB has voted on the USDH housing assignment. The Housing Office must confirm receipt of this vote within the ATLAS Housing application.


Rewards Calculation and Analysis (RCA)

Prepares performance-based pay increases for LE Staff.


Regional Financial Management System (RFMS)

RFMS/C is a single sign-on, centralized, web-based application, hosted at CGFS, accessed by all DOS Cashiers and supported Agency cashiers globally.  Allows centralized management and reporting of cashiering users and activities; improved overall security and audit activities related to cashiering; real-time integration with RFMS/M and improved and centralized management and support.



The Regional Information Management Center, based in Frankfurt, Germany, providing real-time life cycle Technical, Operational, and Maintenance support to over 260 Embassies, Consulates, and other Department of State Missions overseas. 


RIMC Device Destruction

The ADG and RIMC collaborated in developing an application to document and record hard drive destruction.


SBU Sensitive But Unclassified  

Information that is not classified for national security reasons, but that warrants/requires administrative control and protection from public or other unauthorized disclosure for other reasons.



The State Enterprise Identity Credential and Access Management (SE-ICAM) system provides the Department with a means to centrally manage digital identities and access privileges to enterprise systems.


Service Provider

Employee at Post with elevated permissions, who can manage employees, assign tasks, and is providing a service to an employee, EFM, MOH, or other individual at Post.  Often the Post Admin of the application(s).


Sharepoint API

Allows professional and citizen developers to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on SharePoint data.


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

A set of written instructions that describes the step-by-step process that must be taken to properly perform a process or task.



ADG's system to provide assistance to our users for technology-related issues via a ticketing system.  To submit a ticket, email





Under Review by IAHB Status

[ATLAS Housing] The IAHB is reviewing the recommendations made Post's GSO Housing Office.



United States Government.


User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI)

Interaction of ADG applications' interface and our users' experiences with ADG products and systems.




Weekly Activity and Trip Report (WATR)

Application used for documenting weekly activity and trip reports.


Who's Where

Employee work location status application for COVID back-tracing and managing amount of employees in the office.



Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Facilitates the sharing of structured data across different information systems.






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