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Topics Covered
Finance Fiscal Entry
Target Users
Finance Analyst
Required Permissions

Finance Fiscal Entry
Each award nomination with cash requires fiscal data and FM approval. Finance staff (LE Staff or USDH) will enter the fiscal data, then the FMO will sign off on the nomination. To complete this, follow the instructions below or view the instructional video.
To enter fiscal data for awards, the Financial Analyst will first select Pending Fiscal Data item from the Finance Area.
All nominations requiring fiscal input will display. You can filter by cycle or leave it at All or Not Assigned. Fiscal strips can be applied in a mass action or individually.
If one fiscal strip applies to many nominations, it can be applied to all with one action. First, select all appropriate nominations.
Next, click on the Create Fiscal Data button.
Assign the Fiscal Strip by completing fields in the pop-up window. Fiscal data is not validated against fiscal data sources and no fields are mandatory. The data entered will be consolidated into a fiscal strip that cannot be longer than 70 characters total. When you have entered all fields needed for the fiscal strip, click Done.
At this time you will see the fiscal strip in the box.
Once the fiscal strip is created you can take any of the following actions:
- Save to save the fiscal data, but keep the nomination in your queue for further review.
- Edit Fiscal Data to change any fiscal data elements.
- Send to FMO to submit the nomination to the FMO for their approval.
To apply fiscal data to an individual award, first select the nomination by choosing the nomination ID link.
To enter or edit the fund cite/fiscal strip, select the pencil icon in the Action Column for a nominee.
The Assign Fiscal Strip pop-up window will appear. Complete necessary fields in the pop-up. Fiscal data is not validated against fiscal data sources and no fields are mandatory. The data entered will be consolidated into a fiscal strip that cannot be longer than 70 characters total. When you have entered all fields needed for the fiscal strip, click Done.
If this is a group nomination and this fiscal strip applies to other nominees, select the arrow icon to apply the fiscal strip to all other nominees.
You can Save the nomination if you would like to edit fiscal data at a later time or Save & Submit to save fiscal data and route it to the FMO for approval.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.
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