Finance Report Follow


 Pre-requisites:  HR Admin/FMC User OAS Training


Topics Covered
Finance Report

Target Users
LE Staff Awards Coordinator, HRO, FMC

Required Permissions
HR Admin Access/Financial Analyst/FMO


Finance Report

The Finance report is available to HR and anyone with a Finance Analyst/Finance Officer role in the post or cycle. This report will provide an overview of the approved and funded nominations. The Finance Report can be attached to the awards cable Post sends to CGFS for payment. 



  1. In the Reports Area, click the Finance tab.

  1. You can enter as much or as little information as you need to set the parameters for your report.  Click Search once you’ve decided the information you want to view.

  1. You can view the report by clicking Export to Excel.  

4 . The excel spreadsheet will contain even more details such as nominee details (name, section, location, job title, and employee type), funding details (a complete breakdown of the fiscal data string) along with the award type, amount of each award, nominator and nominator’s agency. This report can be filtered by HR or FMC as needed to analyze the allocated funds using metrics such as:  employee type, award type, section, location or by nominator, or nominating agency.


For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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