Pre-requisites: n/a |
Topics Covered
Conducting the Voting Process
What is a Batch?
Target Users
Housing Administrators
Required Permissions
Local Admin
Housing Board Organizer
Housing Board Member
Housing Board Non-Voting Member
Occupant Manager
Conducting YES/NO Voting as a Housing Board Member
After recommendations have been made, the Housing Board Member(s) will receive an email notification to conduct Voting. To do so, click the link in the email or select Board Review, and select Yes, No, or Abstain. Then, click submit.
The Housing Board Member(s) are only responsible for his/her individual vote, after submitting his/her vote no further action is required.
The Housing Board Non Voting Member(s) will also receive an email notification that voting is in progress, however he/she cannot vote or make any other action.
Assigning or Rejecting a Recommendation as the Housing Board Organizer
Housing Board Organizers will receive an email notification once recommendations have been selected for the Voting Process.
Housing Board Organizers cannot vote. S/he only has the ability to view the number of votes, the names of the Housing Board Members who voted, and assign or reject the recommendation.
Once voting is complete the Housing Board Organizer will take into account all of the YES votes and all of the NO votes.
In order for an Occupant to be assigned to a residence the YES votes must have a majority. If an Occupant is rejected, the NO votes will be the majority.
NOTE: The Housing Board Organizer has the ability to Reject a recommendation at anytime, the intention being this function should only be used when the YES votes and NO votes are equal in count or if the majority have Abstained.
What is a Batch?
A Batch is a collection of recommendations submitted to the IAHB for a approval.
Example Vote/Batch
- The first Occupant in the list is assigned due to the majority vote of YES with a Justification.
- The Housing Board Organizer will input a Justification, then click continue.
- The next Occupant on the list is rejected due to the majority decision being Abstain.
- The last Occupant on the list is rejected due to majority vote of NO.
NOTE: A Warning Message will appear in situations where the recommendation is rejected due to majority vote NO or majority decision to Abstain.
Once all of the recommendations have been assigned or rejected, the Housing Board Organizer will finalize the batch by clicking Close Batch.
When a batch assigned and closed for the Voting Process the Housing Board Organizer, Housing Board Member(s), and Occupant Manager(s) will receive an emal notification.
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The Housing Assignment Process
Preparing a Voting Set - The DIrect Approval Process
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