READY Release Notes v 1.2.0 Follow


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READY Release Notes v 1.2.0

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READY Release Notes v 1.2.0

New Features/Changes/General fixes:

  • Implemented the new resource types and role separations on the coordinator role designed to enhance operational efficiency and clarity in resource management.
    • Rover: A Rover is a mobile resource that can be dispatched to various locations as needed. This flexible resource type ensures coverage in high-demand or critical requests.
    • Volunteer: A Volunteer is a non-paid resource contributing their time and expertise. This new type helps to manage and track individuals who are volunteering for various  Position Requests, and Assignments, streamlining their involvement and improving scheduling.
    • The Coordinator role has been divided into two distinct positions: Rover Coordinator and REA Coordinator, each specifically focused on managing their respective resource types.
    • They can also hold both the Rover Coordinator and REA Coordinator roles, allowing them to manage both resource types.
    • Rover Coordinator: This role is now distinct and dedicated to managing only the Rover resources and Volunteer resources. Rover Coordinators are responsible for dispatching, tracking, and coordinating all Rover, Volunteer, and Any-related requests. * Rover Coordinators are unable to view REA resources, requests, and positions. *
    • REA Coordinator: This role is now distinct and dedicated to managing only the REA resources. REA Coordinators are responsible for dispatching, tracking, and coordinating all REA, and Any-related requests. * REA Coordinators are unable to view Rover or Volunteer resources, requests, and positions. *
  • Implemented a Release Notes pop-up to appear upon user login, displaying once per login. For easy access to release details, users can now view updates more conveniently.
  • Implemented a new Historical Request Page under the Reporting section. 
  • Implemented a new “Cancel this Request” button to all request statuses on the Coordinator Dashboard, accessible via the edit (Pencil) action icon. This feature enables the Coordinator to quickly and easily return the request with a single button, enhancing both efficiency and accessibility. * Denying or Cancelling requests cannot be processed, if the request has a Time Entries attached. *

  • Implemented the DS-7603 form to track and apply hours for loaned REA resources on the REA Home page.
  • The sidebar options have been renamed for clarity: 'Edit Employee Profile' is now 'Edit Resource Profile,' and 'Add Employee' is now 'Add Resource.'
  • Implemented a “Request More Information” button on the Approved status requests.
  • Implemented a Resource Type column on the Coordinator Dashboard on all statuses.
  • Implemented a Resource Type column on the Assignments page.
  • Implemented a new Email Template “Position request resource type changed” will trigger when a request changes from Rover to REA, or vice versa.
  • Implemented a new feature that allows coordinators to trigger group emails directly from the Resource Pool page for streamlined communication.
  • Implemented a Transfer of Labor for loaned REA resources applying hours (DS-7603).
  • Relocated the Zendesk Help button on all pages to ensure the READY copyright remains visible.
  • Implemented a Checkbox action icon under the “Not Finalized” status requests on the coordinator dashboard that helps coordinators assign resources more efficiently by redirecting to the Assignments page and it redirects the coordinator to assign resources on the assignments page.
  • Redesigned the Document section page to prevent card overlap on smaller window sizes.
  • The Coordinator Dashboard “Additional Details” status tab has been renamed to “Additional Info.”

  • Fixed an issue where adding a secondary email from the System Profile page did not save correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Alert did not remove when dismissed.

Coordinator Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where users could enter blank entries in the BCC field on the automated emails page.
  • Fixed an issue that routed users to the edit request page instead of the edit assignment page when selecting the action edit modal on the Current Assignments page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Save button was unresponsive after changing the Requesting Title on the Assignments page.
  • Fixed an issue where newly created resource profiles displayed an empty address field in the Edit Resource Profile page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Remove button appeared on the More Info page for assignments with time entries.
  • Fixed an issue where emails added to the “CC” line appeared in the “To” line.
  • Fixed an issue where typing 0 after the decimal did not get added to the field on the Funding Budget and Assignment Actuals page.
  • Fixed an issue where "View Draft Request" was not Saving/Editing/Submitting as expected.

REA Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue when submitting a time entry resulting in a “Failed to obtain report” error on the REA Home page.
  • Fixed an issue where accepted assignments did not populate in the Position Title dropdown on the REA Home page.

Post Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the “I understand” checkbox was unchecked for draft/submitted positions on the Post View Request page.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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