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Ready Release Notes v 1.3.2
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READY Release Notes v 1.3.2
New Features/Changes/General Fixes:
Automated Email Notification for Finalized Rover Positions
- Implemented a new "Instructions for Rover/Post" email template.
- This email is automatically triggered when a Bureau Coordinator finalizes a position with a selected Rover resource.
- The following roles will receive this email: Rover Coordinator, Post Requestor, and assigned Rover Resource.
Native Language Checkbox in Resource Profile
- Implemented a "This is my native language" checkbox in the Skills & Training section under the Language category.
- If selected, the Last Tested Date field is no longer required.
Mandatory Comments for Request More Info
- Coordinators are now required to provide a comment when sending a request back to Post for More Information status.
Calendar format Filter Option Added
- Implemented a calendar format filter on the following pages:
- View Requests (Post)
- Historical Hours
- Implemented a calendar format filter on the following pages:
Dropdown Menu for Resource Type Selection Added
- Implemented a dropdown menu for selecting resource types, improving efficiency, and reducing errors on the following pages:
- Resource Pool
- Historical Request
- User Management (Role)
- Implemented a dropdown menu for selecting resource types, improving efficiency, and reducing errors on the following pages:
Page Name Update
- Renamed the "Diplomatic Expiration Report" page to "Dip. Passport Exp." for improved clarity.
Coordinator Fixes:
CoordinatorReadOnly Role Issue
- Fixed an issue where the CoordinatorReadOnly role incorrectly overrode the REA Coordinator role, preventing users from taking action.
Create Resource Button Availability
- Fixed an issue where the Create Resource button remained enabled even when required fields were not completed on the Add Resource page.
REA Profile Sync with Okta
- Fixed an issue where REA profiles created with non-enterprise email addresses via the Add Resource page were not reflected in Okta.
Assignment Date Editing Bug
- Fixed an issue where on the Assignments page, editing the date range of a selected assignment displayed a blank date field.
Confirmation Modal Wording Update
- Improved the wording in the Confirm Date Change modal on the Assignments page for better user understanding.
Edit Languages Modal Issue
- Fixed an issue where the Edit Languages modal cleared input fields after a second edit unless the page was refreshed.
Coordinator New Request page Bug
- Fixed an issue where the Submit button remained clickable when required fields were incomplete, allowing users to proceed without entering all necessary information.
Calendar View Funnel Filters
- Fixed an issue where the funnel filter icon retrieved incorrect data in the calendar view compared to the Assignment view on the Assignments page.
REA Fixes:
Skills & Training Warning Icon Issue
- Fixed an issue where the Skills & Training tab on the Edit Resource Profile page incorrectly displayed a warning icon for newly created resources.
Medical Clearances Expiration Alert
- Fixed an issue where expired medical clearance documents did not trigger a warning icon on the Documents tab.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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