ATLAS Financials Release Notes 1.0.16 Follow


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ATLAS Financials Release Notes 1.0.16

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ATLAS Financials Release Notes 1.0.16

User Interface & Visual Updates

  • Updated the title for the BOC action button.
  • Updated additional labels from "Instance" to "Mission."
  • Updated the dashboard post dropdown to restrict viewing access based on the user's role.
  • Updated the instance to mission functionality.
  • Renamed “Current” with “Active” in the recipient status filter.
  • Added an asterisk to the Last and First Name fields.

BOC Functionality Updates

  • Fixed impersonating BOC initiator role functionality.
  • Fixed the issue where BOC fields are hidden when impersonating a BOC initiator.
  • Resolved the issue when FMO rejects a BOC.
  • Fixed the issue where the BOC closes if the USD amount left is less than 0.01.
  • Resolved incorrect calculation of the amount due when double LCU payments are made.
  • Prevented status change from Draft to Waiting Approval if the BOC does not pass validation.
  • Implemented immediate display of buttons for FMO approval start (approve/reject) within a BOC.
  • Implemented adding BOC requesting FMO start process approval to the FMO home dashboard.
  • Updated FMO approval button within a BOC: when FMO approval is not required, the action button should read “Submit” (not “Request Approval”).
  • Simplified the FMO approval dropdown in the BOC page.
  • Resolved the issue where, even when BOC is set to NOT send emails, FMO approval emails are still sent.

Process & Workflow Updates

  • Implemented the new FMO approval workflow.
  • Updated the fiscal strip template and titles under the Administration tab.
  • Implemented fiscal strip validation: cannot have both object code and revenue source code.
  • Implemented three new email templates.
  • Added FMO return to AR Tech comments.

Bug Fixes and Issue Resolutions

  • Fixed the issue when adding a new post to an instance; clears all the cache.
  • Fixed the issue where SysAdmin without local posts permissions throws an exception in the OffCanvasProfile.cshtml page.
  • Fixed the issue where FMO cannot edit the BOC when it is in Waiting FMO Approval status.
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