Viewing Org Charts as a User Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


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Org Charts

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ATLAS Directory Org Charts 

ATLAS Directory lists all contacts at a Mission or Post along with their contact information. Users with basic permissions can view various features related to the organizational structure at a Mission or Post, including Org Charts. These Org Charts allow for an easily navigable visual representation of the hierarchy and positions within the organization.


How to View Org Charts at a Post

To access Org Charts at a specific Post, navigate to the Organization menu. Click on the Organization drop-down menu, and then select Org Charts.  

In the Directory Org Charts page, you will see the Org Charts that are available to view at post. To view a particular Org Chart, simply click the View button next to the Org Chart you wish to explore.

Note: As a regular user, you will not have permissions to edit any Org Charts. Only Directory Administrators have the ability to create, modify, or delete Org Charts. Users can only view the existing Org Charts that have been shared with them.

Once you are on the Org Charts page, you will have different viewing options to navigate and interact with the Org Charts. By default, Org Charts are displayed in a Card View, where each position or employee is represented by a visual "card" containing their details and hierarchy within the organization.

You can choose to switch from the default Card View to a List View by clicking on the dropdown icon next to the Card View button. The List View provides a more text-based, hierarchical listing of positions and employees.

In the Org Chart view, users have several options for interacting with the chart:

  • Adjust the Scale: You can zoom in or out of the Org Chart to get a better view of the entire structure or to focus on specific areas. This can be especially useful for large organizations with many employees.
  • Export the Org Chart: Users can export the Org Chart to various formats for sharing or offline use. You can download the Org Chart as:
    • PNG (image file)
    • PDF (document file)



Related Articles:  Creating Org Charts in ATLAS Directory



For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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