How to Add and Edit Print Templates Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
Print Templates

Target Users
Directory Administrators
Organization Administrators

Required Permissions
Administrative Permissions



The article provides step-by-step guidance for creating, managing, and editing print templates in the Atlas Directory system.

Note: When a user is granted Administrative permissions, the Contacts menu and Administration menu become available to edit information at a Post. These menus are used to manage essential details for Employees, Contacts, and the Administration information of a Post or Mission.


Accessing Print Templates

Navigate to the Administration > Manage Print Templates.

The Print Templates page allows you to create different types of Print Templates for printing reports such as Contact Lists.  

The dashboard displays the following:

  • Order: Allows reordering templates.
  • Type: Specifies the template type.
  • Name: Name of the template.
  • Group By: Grouping criteria.
  • Public: Visibility of the template.


Creating a New Print Template

Click on the + CREATE NEW button (top-right corner) to open the template creation screen.

On the Manage Print Templates page, fill out the following details.

  • Template Name: Provide a name for the template.
  • Source Template: Select the type of template:
    • Create New Template: To create a blank template.
    • Create From Local Template: To reuse a template that has already been created at Post.
    • Create From System Template. To pull from a default or pre-made system templates.
  • Report Type: Choose the type of report:
    • Contact List
    • Reference List
    • Picture Book

Once the required fields are filled, click CREATE.

The Edit Print Preview window will show up, allowing you to make changes before using the template. 

Use the following options to customize the template:

  • Name & Publish Settings:  Use this field to assign or modify the name of the print template.
    • Enter the template name.
    • Use the Published toggle to make the template public or private.
    • Preview List: View a sample of the report generated using the selected template.
  • List Layout: Choose the appropriate report type (Contact List, Reference List, or Picture Book) and define the fields to display (ex. Name, Section, Position Title, Work Phone, etc.).
  • Page Layout: Customize paper size, margins, and orientation.
  • Groups: Set grouping options (ex. Section). Configure settings such as:
    • Page Break toggle
    • Font, font size, and color
    • Margin before, padding after, and margin after
    • Line style, line color, and background
  • Header and Footer: Add title, description, insert image or logo, insert video, etc.
  • Body: Define the theme, line height, text color, font, and font size.
  • Column Headers: Enable or disable headers and edit column labels and styles.
  • Page Numbers: Configure position, horizontal margin (in inches), and vertical margin (in inches).

To apply changes immediately, click Force Update.

Select Save Changes to save the adjustments you have made to the Print Template. 



Editing an Existing Template

If you select the Edit button for a Print Template, users will be taken to the Edit Print Template page. 

Under Name & Publish Settings, the user can adjust the name, if the template is published, and the list you would like to preview in the preview window.


Publishing or Updating a Template

Ensure the Published toggle is activated if the template is ready for users.

To apply changes immediately, click Force Update.

Next to each template, an ellipsis icon (...) appears on the far right of the table . Click this icon to access additional actions.

A dropdown menu appears with the following options:

  • Unpublish: Remove the template from public visibility.
  • Copy: Duplicate the template for modification or re-use.
  • Export: Download the template to share or store.
  • Delete: Permanently remove the template (proceed with caution).


Export or Import Templates

Use the IMPORT FROM FILE option to upload templates from external sources.


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