Permission Roles Follow

Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
  Role Descriptions

Target Users

Local Admin
System Admin

Required Permissions
Local Admin


Roles Within ATLAS Housing

Housing Board Member

Can actively participate in the Direct Approval process or Voting process for housing assignments. 

Housing Board Non-Voting Member 

Can view when the Direct Approval or Voting process are taking place, but cannot interact, make any action: Approve, Deny, Vote or View Voting results in either of the processes. 

Housing Board Organizer 

Can make housing recommendations and arrange the Direct Approval process or Voting process. Can assign or reject recommendations based on the results of the Direct Approval or Voting process. 

Inspection Administrator  

Create, edit, reset, clear, and reopen Inspections.  (Local Admin have the same permissions.)


Create, edit, clear, and reset inspections, but cannot re-open Inspections.

Inspection Reader  

'Read only' access.  Cannot edit Inspections.

Local Administrator

Can perform any actions associated with a single instance except approving and rejecting housing board recommendations.  Can modify the permissions of other users and assign people to the housing board.

Occupant Manager

Inherits the Occupant Viewer role and additionally can add new occupants, edit existing occupants, update housing assignments, and assign temporary quarters.  This includes updating the arrival date, departure date, move in date, and move out date.

Occupant Viewer

Can see a list of all incoming, active, and outgoing occupants.  Can also see which residence anyone is assigned to and where users are in the recommendation workflow. 

Process Manager

Can initiate, skip, and complete processes (Make-Ready, Commissioning, and Decommissioning) on any residence.  Can also add or edit any tasks in a process.

Process Template Manager

Can edit the process templates for Make-Ready, Commissioning, and Decommissioning.  Can also set up groups and email notifications.

Questionnaire Configuration Manager

Can manage custom preferences and the content of the housing questionnaire.

Residence Manager

Inherits the Residence Viewer role and can manage photos, upload attachments, and edit custom fields for a residence.

Residence Viewer

Can see any residence in the housing pool, ongoing process, and the incoming, active, and outgoing occupants.  Can also see pictures and download attachments.  May gain limited editing permissions to tasks in a process if assigned.

System Administrator

ADG employees that are System Admin have access to see everything in Atlas Housing related to QA support and other actions as needed.



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