Released: March 7th 2019
Release Details
Currency Symbol and Code
From the Online Auction Control Panel, Post Administrators can now manage the currency format for the amounts that are displayed in the Online Auction bidding site. They can choose either the option of displaying the amounts with the currency symbol($) or with the currency code(USD). The default display format is the currency symbol.
The Online Auction bidding site, displays all bid amounts based on the above currency setting. In addition there is now a notice at the top of the page that includes both the currency symbol and the currency code.
Special Characters in Lot Item
This release resolved the bug when special characters like single quotes, double quotes and parenthesis are used in the Lot item name or description. Now an authenticated user can submit bid amounts even if the above special characters are used in the Lot name or description.
Current Price Confirmation Model Update
When multiple users bid on the same Lot item, the amounts in the "Confirm New High Bid" modal were not being updated to match the other user's bid amount. This release fixes this issue and now will update the amounts in the "Confirm New High Bid" modal with the new high amount.
Additional Bug Fixes
Release v1.6.0 includes a number of bug fixes reported by the Online Auction community.
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