v1.8.0 - Release Notes Follow

Released: June 24th, 2020

Release Details

Admins Can Close a Preparing Auction (New Feature)

In the Edit Auction page now there is a Close Preparing Auction button allowing admins to close an auction without actually opening the auction to the public. 

Admins Decide When to Show Auction to Bidders (New Feature)

Start Showing Auction to Bidders Date (Default: 60 Days Before Start Date) can be found in Create and Edit Auction form.  In this field, admins can specify the date and time when an auction in Preparing state will be shown on the users/bidders site.  If the field is left empty, the auction will be seen 60 days or less before opening date.  If an admin creates an auction 80 days from now, the auction will not be visible to users the first 20 days and will be shown for the remaining 60 days.  Or the admin can chose when to show the auction by specifying a date and time. 

Show Post Admins (New Feature)

New report available for OA admins, showing all OA admins for Post.

User Agreement Removed From Post Settings

User Agreement is now removed from Update Post.  A new User Agreement issued by Compliance office was issued in the last release, however the option to provide a user agreement remained in Create/Update Post even though it no longer took effect.  For legal reasons the new User Agreement is only available in English.

Max Number of Bids Per Bidder Disabled by Default

Max number of bids per bidder in Update Post and Create/Update Lot is now turned off by default.  If manually enabled, Auction Admin will have to specify a number of bids a user can place on a lot. 

UI Improvements

Added multiple Back buttons, improved UI elements, alphabetically sorted lists, updated column headers in reports, amended display name, removal of Max Num. of Bids and My Bids (user side), display of 20 elements (admin side), Cookie banner no longer covers the Help button (User side).  

Additional Bug Fixes

Release v1.8.0 includes a number of bug fixes reported by the Online Auction community.

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