Managing Employees in the ATLAS Directory Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
Manage Employees 

Target Users
Directory Administrators
Organization Administrators

Required Permissions



This article will walk you through the interface for managing employee profiles, including how to add, edit, and manage bulk actions for employee data.


Accessing the Employees

Navigate to Contacts > Employees.


Key Features Overview

Once you select Employees under the Contacts drop-down, the interface provides access to several key features:

  • Add New Employees: Allows the creation of new employee profiles.
  • Bulk Edit Employees: Enables batch processing and editing of multiple employee profiles at once.
  • Block Sync Rules: Displays a list of all employees whose profiles are blocked from syncing.
  • Seed Options: Access additional features or configurations.
  • View Deactivated: Displays a list of employees whose profiles are no longer active or have been deactivated at Post(s).
  • View All: View both active and inactive employees within the organization.


Managing Employee Profiles

The Manage Current Employees page allows you to manage all current employees with an active status at a post or mission. Here, you have the option to filter by Name, Status, Post, Agency, Section, Position Agency, and Employee Agency.

Note: Filters for Organization, Employee Agency, Section, and Tags are available at the top to help refine the list of employees based on specific criteria.


Employee Actions Menu

For each employee, the ellipsis menu (circled as 1 in the screenshot) on the right-hand side provides a set of actions:

  • Deactivate: Deactivate the current assignment for the employee (ex. if the employee has departed post)
  • Change Contact Type: Change the contact type to Employee, Location, External Contact, or Household Member.
  • Deactivate and Block Sync: Deactivate the assignment and prevent further syncing of the employee's data. The contact will be added to the Block Sync Rules list.
  • Request Profile Update: Force the user to review and confirm their profile information when accessing the ATLAS Directory.
  • Change Assignment Post: Update and transfer the employee’s assigned Organization.
  • Merge Duplicate Names: Merge profiles with duplicate names.
  • Change Account: Set a new default OKTA account to be linked to an ATLAS Directory account for the selected contact.


Creating a New Employee

To manually add a new employee, click on the New Employee button (1) located at the top-right of the interface. Alternatively, select the Bulk Edit Employees button (2) to edit existing employee records in bulk.

To access the New Employee Wizard page, select the New Employee button. From here, you can search existing employees’ OKTA accounts and add them to the Directory organization. If the OKTA account does not exist, you can create a new OKTA account and add the new employee.

You can select an employee to edit their information, including their assignment and position. When you select the Create New Employee button, you will be directed to the Create New Employee page.

Here, you can enter all the employee’s personal information, phone number(s), and email address(es), synchronize the employee’s contact information with SAFE, and add the ICASS accountable phone numbers for the location in the ICASS Workload tab. On the right side of the screen, you can enter the employee’s assignment information and set their status to Active to include them as a current employee at the Post.

Select the Save Changes button to save the new employee, or select the Cancel button to disregard changes and return to the Manage Current Employees page.



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