Radio Module Admin User Guide Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a



Radio Introduction

The ATLAS Directory Radio module is used to manage radios assigned to employees or locations at Post. Within the Radio Module, Post can keep radio inventory, assign radios to employees, schedule radio checks, and submit radio check entries from anywhere in the application.

Radio Dashboard

On the Radio Dashboard, all (1) Ongoing Radio Checks and (2) On-Demand Radio Checks are featured. 


Users are able to view, make edits, and/or make additions to a Radio, Repeater, or User's Status from the Radio Dashboard.

Radio User Roles

  • Radio Admin - provides full access to the entire module
  • Radio Admin Read Only - provides read-only access to the entire module but no edits can be made
  • Radio Assignments - provides access to add and remove assignments but not radio devices
  • Radio Check - Add Only - provides the bare minimum access for the completion of a radio check for those (usually MSG Post 1) who receive the radio check
  • Radio Check - Manage - provides bare minimum access for the completion of a radio check in addition to the ability to edit and delete permissions and adding out of town radios
  • Radio Check - Read Only - provides access to only view radio check entries
  • Radio Check Events Manager - provides access to edit the single occurrence of the radio series
  • Radio Configuration - provides access to create repeaters, zones, groups, and schedules
  • Radio Inventory - provides access to manage the radio devices

Radio Configuration

Before beginning radio checks, Post must configure the Radio Module by creating Neighborhood Zones, Groups, and Repeaters based on information related to Post and Post's location.


Neighborhood Zones

Post Neighborhood Zones are specific zones based on the different locations where radios and repeaters are located. Each zone is assigned a color and all radios will display on the map in the color assigned to its zone.

To configure Post's Neighborhood Zones, navigate to Radio > Neighborhoods.

The Radio Neighborhood Zones page includes the Name of the zone, the Post the zone belongs to, the PIN colors, and number of Repeaters and Radios included in the zone.



To create a new Neighborhood, Administrators can click the Create New button at the top, right of the Neighborhoods page.

Assign the Neighborhood a Name, add Post Filters, and give it a distinct Color. 

When the Neighborhood is saved, it will display on the Neighborhoods page.  



The Repeaters section of the radio module displays where the various Repeaters are located along with each Repeater’s Name, Neighborhood, Address, and Coordinates

Administrators can edit and delete Repeaters from the Repeaters page at any time.

To configure Post's Repeaters, navigate to Radio > Repeaters.



This page displays the list of Repeaters and the information associated with each Repeater.

To edit a Repeater's information, click the Edit icon and make the necessary changes, remembering to click SAVE CHANGES.

To create a new Repeater(s), click the + Create New button at the top, right of the Radio Repeaters page.

Assign the Repeater a Name, Address, Neighborhood, and Coordinates.  When the Coordinates are entered, the map view displays the location of the Repeater.  When the Repeater is saved, it will then display on the Radio Repeaters page and also on the map.



Groups are a way that Post can identify specific clusters of radios to be included in Radio Checks.  For example, radios can be grouped by a specific Sections, buildings, etc.  The Groups page includes the Name, Description, and whether the group has a Radio Check or not

Administrators can edit and delete groups from the Groups page.

To configure Post's Groups, navigate to Radio > Groups.



To create new Groups, click the Create New button at the top, right of the Groups page. 

Next, assign the Group a Name, Description, and whether or not the group is exempt from radio checks (exempt groups will not be required to submit a radio check if included in radio check schedules).

When the Group is saved, it will then display on the Radio Groups page and radios can now be assigned to the Group.



Radio Inventory

Radio Inventory tracks all radios at Post.  Each radio has a 4-digit identification numberSerial NumberMakeModelAIM Tag, and Code Plug and will be assigned an Agency and Post upon being added to the inventory. 

Once issued to an employee or location, it will display on the Radio Information page

Administrators can add radios to the inventory individually or by bulk importing.

To view the Radio Information page, navigate to Radio > Radio Inventory.



On the Edit Radio page, Administrators can also view the history, who it was assigned to, as well as the dates it was in each employee’s possession.



When bulk importing the radios, ATLAS Directory provides an excel template where Administrators can enter various information fields for the radios at Post and import them to their Directory instance easily.

To do this, click BULK IMPORT and follow the instructions on the Bulk Import Page.


Radio Assignments

Post uses Radio Assignments to keep track of who is in possession of and assigned to a radio.  For each radio assignment, Administrators can specify the Neighborhood and Zone.   This allows the application to place the radio in the correct Radio Check Schedule.

To view Post's Radio Assignments, navigate to Radio > Radio Assignments from the top menu bar.


This page displays the currently assigned radios at Post.



From here, you can:

  • View or edit a specific assignment by clicking the Edit icon.
  • View all deactivated radios by clicking the View Deactivated button.
  • View all radio assignments by clicking the View All button.
  • Assign a new radio by clicking + New Assignment.

Radio Schedules

Radio Schedules are created by Administrators.  They outline when each radio check should take place.

To see Post's Radio Check Schedules, navigate to Radio > Schedules.



Each schedule is given an Active To and From date, a Frequency, and is assigned to Groups and Neighborhood Zones.  (If Groups and Neighborhood Zones are not specified, the schedule will track all radios at post.) 

When the Groups and Zones are specified, the bottom of the page will display all radios included in the schedule and the history of the event.

Administrators can also specify what percentage of radios need to be checked in order for the radio check to be considered a Success.



Viewing and Editing a Radio Check Schedule

To view or edit a specific schedule, select the Edit icon.  This will direct you to that schedule's informational page.



On the Edit Radio Check Schedule, you are able to edit:

  1. The basic initial setup information
  2. Email Settings, Radios to be included, and Event History settings
  3. The Group(s) assigned to the Schedule
  4. The Neighborhood(s) assigned to the Schedule 

Once your edits are complete, remember to click SAVE CHANGES.



Creating a New Radio Check Schedule

From the Schedule window, click the purple + Create New button at the top, right side of the page.



There are four tabs offering various options for setting up the new Schedule:

  1. Filter
  2. Email Settings
  3. Radios
  4. Events History



The Filter tab displays the current Groups and Neighborhood Zones being checked in the schedule and allows for edits to the chosen Groups and Zones.

The Email Settings tab allows users to create email templates when a Radio Check notification is sent out.

The Radios tab displays a list of all Post's radios.

The Events History tab lists all previous Radio Checks in this schedule.

Once the new Radio Check Schedule is configured, remember to click SAVE CHANGES.

Radio Checks 

Radio Checks can be performed in a few different ways. 

  1. A specific office or section at Post is responsible for calling every radio owner during the specified timeframe to ensure each radio is functioning adequately. 
  2. Employees call the office or section responsible for radio checks within the time frame of the schedule.

Within the Radio Module, Radio Checks can take place anywhere in the Directory by clicking the Radio icon at the top right of the toolbar. Once clicked, the Radio Check pop-up displays where the radio Administrator can enter the Call Sign and the Call Quality of the radio being checked.  The Radio Check pop-up also displays the most recent activity of the radio checks.



Related Video

Radio Module Configuration - Admin

Completing a Radio Check - Marines

Creating a Radio Check Schedule - Admin


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