Mission Profile- Configuration and Assign Roles Follow

 Pre-requisites:  OAS HR Admin Training


Topics Covered
How to create a Mission Profile.

Target Users
Local Staff Awards Coordinator and HRO

Required Permissions

  HR Admin Roles


Mission and Post Profile

As Mission HR staff, you are responsible for completing the Mission Admin Area to define Mission settings. Specifically, you will define the mission profile, post profiles, establish ceremony dates, set up award cycles, define award settings, manage employees, archive employees, sign into OAS on behalf of another user at Post and assign proxies. 


Creating a Mission Profile

In the Mission Profile, you will define basic information, assign Mission roles, and establish specific awards.

  1. From the Mission Admin Area, click on the Mission Profile link. You will be able to select a tab at the top of the page to access the Basic Information, Roles, or Specific Awards


Assign Basic Information:

  1. You will assign the following basic Mission information by clicking the Basic tab.

Mission Short Name should be three or four characters.

Seal Image is the seal which will be printed on the certificates. 

Certificate Signature is the EXEC Officer signature which will be printed on the certificates, this can be changed at any time.

Maximum Customer Service Awards is 4 per policy, but can be limited for the Mission, per the Mission IMAP awards.

Hide Nominee names and citations will hide this information for the JCAC members and chair for voting purposes. 

  1. Click Save when finished.

Assign Roles:

  1. To assign Mission-level roles, you will select the Roles tab in the Mission Profile. 


Local HR Staff Awards Coordinator is responsible for managing the awards program within OAS. Post can determine the number of HR employees to be assigned to this role. The Local HR Staff Awards Coordinator has the ability to perform many actions, including assigning roles, moving nominations in OAS, generating certificates, and printing ceremony scripts.

Local Staff Supervisor will be assigned to those employees with a local staff employee direct supervisor. The Local Staff Supervisor will have access view only access. For GoMBC Missions, this role is automatically assigned to local staff supervisors.

HR Officer role will be assigned to the HRO and will have full administrative access to the OAS. This role is limited to the USDH HRO and cleared American Human Resources Assistants (as determined by the HRO).

USDH Supervisor is assigned to anyone defined as a USDH Supervisor.  The USDH supervisor must approve or disapprove award nominations for each employee that they supervise. 

Financial Officer will be assigned to the FMO. This role is required to  verify and approve fiscal data on nominations. 

  1. To assign Roles, click the dropdown menu in the Assignee column in the Mission Roles row.
  2. Type the employee’s name to be assigned, then click on the name. The name will appear in the assignee column.
  3. To remove a role, click on the X next to the assignee’s name.
  4. Click Save to keep role changes. 

Create Specific Awards:

  1. To view award types and create Mission-specific awards, you will select the Specific Awards tab in the Mission Profile. All IMAP Awards will be automatically added for your Mission. To create a new award, select Add New Award.

  1. Enter the Award Name in the text box.
  2. Select the Approval Process Type using the dropdown menu, select either Anytime or Annual.
  3. Select the Form of Recognition using the dropdown menu, select from the following: Cash Only, Time Off, Certificate Only or Cash or Time Off
  4. In the Criteria Box, type the criteria nominees must meet to qualify for the award. This criteria will be displayed to nominators when they select the award type.
  5. Select if External Approval is required for this award.
  6. Once completed, click Save to add the award to the Mission/Post awards. Nominators will now be able to select this award.
  7. At any point, click Close/Cancel to leave this page without saving.

Notes: IMAP awards are automatically populated, when selecting the edit icon for these awards, nothing can be edited. Specific awards can be added by the Mission or Post (these can be edited further later).


For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing adg-support@state.gov.
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.


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