Funding Budget Information – Post Requester Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
Funding Budget Information

Target Users
Post Requester

Required Permissions

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Funding Budget Information 

When Post Requesters create a new request for a position at post, they will also be prompted to enter the Funding Budget information for the request. 

Post Requesters must first select a post, select the “I understand” checkbox for the Submission Instructions, and enter the date range for the position before the Funding Budget information will be available for entry. 

To see the budget information for entry, the requester must click the View Budget Info link in the Funding Budget section. 

The Funding Budget information table includes the Expense Type and Expected Value/Percent, Amount ($USD), Who will pay?, and the percentages of payment from each source. 

The Who will pay? field includes Post, Bureau, Both, and N/A options to choose from.  If both are selected, the requester can then use the slider to determine the percentages that both Post and Bureau will cover.



Funding Budget Information Fields 

In each field, the requester will enter the US Dollar amount that is being paid and then determine who will absorb the cost for each line item for the position.

Below is some additional information on some of the Funding Budget information fields:

  • Estimated Salary Expense: This field reflects the estimated salary for the position. The expected value for the Salary expense is automatically based on $631.16 per weekday (Monday-Friday) at a GS-14 level.
  • Post Hardship Differential: This field reflects the hardship differential cost for the position. It is only applicable for assignments lasting 31 days or more. The expected percentage displayed is based on the Post Allowances table maintained by the coordinator.
  • Danger Pay: This field reflects the cost of danger pay for the position. It is only applicable for certain posts that qualify for danger pay.  The expected percentage displayed is based on the Post Allowances table maintained by the coordinator.
  • Hotel Expense: This field reflects the cost of the hotel stay for the REA. The expected value displayed is based on the Post Allowances table maintained by the coordinator.
  • Airfare Expense: This field reflects the cost of airfare for the REA to report to the post. The expected value displayed is based on the Post Allowances table maintained by the coordinator.
  • TMC Fee: This field reflects the cost of Travel Management Center services.
  • Baggage Fee: This field reflects the amount allocated for additional baggage cost for the transportation to post. The default value is set to $300 each way or $600 total for round trip.
  • M&IE: This field reflects the cost of meals and incidentals for the REA. The expected value displayed is based on the Post Allowances table maintained by the coordinator.
  • Voucher Fee: This field reflects the cost of the voucher fee. 
  • Seat Selection Fee: This field reflects the cost of the seat selection for the transportation to post. The default value is set to $300 each way or $600 total for round trip.
  • Other Expenses: This field reflects the cost of anything outside the listed line items that post will be covering for the REA during the assignment.


Reverting Back to Expected Values

When a funding budget value is added that is different from the Expected Value, an arrow appears in the Expense Type field that allows the Post Requester to revert the value back to the Expected Value entered by the Coordinators on the Post Allowances page.




Review Cost Selections 

Once all Funding Budget information has been entered, there is a Review Cost Selections button that allows the requester to review the costs entered that are a different value from the Expected Value.

On the pop-up, the requester then has the option to keep the cost as it was entered or revert back to the expected value. When selections are made and OK is clicked, the chosen amounts reflect in the amount field.

For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.


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