Assignment Financial Actuals Details Follow


 Pre-requisites:  Coordinator Permissions


Topics Covered
Financials Actuals

Target Users
Bureau Coordinators

Required Permissions
Coordinator Permissions

Ready_icons-01 below.png


Financial Actuals 

After assigning an REA to a position, Coordinators have the ability to enter in the Financial Actual values for the money actually spent for each expense that was budgeted for upon requesting the position.

To do so, Coordinators can navigate to their dashboard and under the Assigned tab, there is a dollar sign icon that takes them to the Financial Actuals page.



Financial Actuals Page 

On the Financial Actuals page, Coordinators can view the position details, the budgeted values that were entered upon post requesting the position, and add in the actual values that were spent for each of the expenses for the position.



Assignment Actuals 

In the Assignment Actuals section of the Financial Actuals page, Coordinators will enter the details of the actual spending amounts for each expense, and who funded the expense. If the budgeted amount was exactly what was spent, the Coordinator can click the Apply Budget button to auto-populate the fields with the values that were entered in the Funding Budget section. Once all values are entered, click Save Actuals to save the entered values.




Related Articles

Funding Budget Information - Post Requester 
Post Allowances Page - Bureau Coordinators


For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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