GoMBC/RCA Release Notes 20240917 Follow


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RCA Integration

GoMBC Reports

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HR Admins

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GoMBC/RCA Release Notes 20240917

ADG is currently in the process of integrating RCA into GoMBC so the two applications will function as one application. Once the integration is completed, HR Admins will perform the reward calculations from a link in GoMBC. In the current version of RCA, once the Reward Calculation link is selected, the user is taken to the RCA application. After the integration, the Reward Calculation menu will appear in GoMBC and the calculations will be performed in a similar manner except the user will complete all steps in GoMBC instead of being taken to a seperate application. The process of completing the reward calculations will generally remain the same. ADG and GTM/OE along with RSC Frankfurt HR will provide application training updates once the RCA integration is completed. We do not have a confirmed release date for the integrated application. ADG will provide more information as this process moves forward. 

HR Roles Restricted

Per policy certain roles in GoMBC and RCA were restricted to USDH employees, however, there was no validation in the application to prevent LE staff from being incorrectly assigned to USDH roles. ADG has now implemented a validation for the roles listed below. Now, when HR roles are assigned to a user, only the roles which they are eligible to be assigned will appear as an option. If any LE staff were incorrectly assigned a USDH role, those roles should have been removed. If you have any issues accessing your roles, please open a ticket with ADG-Support@state.gov.

Appeal Reviewer- per MBC policy this role should be assigned to the DCM or their designate.

Mission Administrator- this role is assigned to the HRO or the USAID Executive Officer, or another USDH officer at Post per the HRO, Management Officer or the Executive Officer for USAID to have mission access to performance management documents. If the user assigned to this role departs post before assigning another USDH officer, ADG can assist to assign the incoming officer.

Post Administrator- is assigned to a USDH officer with a limited approval access to performance management documents for only the post assigned to this user within the application. If a USDH officer is assigned the Mission Administrator role, they do not need the Post Administrator role.

Reward Calculation Approver- this role can be assigned to one or more users at Post to approve the reward calculations. It is possible for a USDH officer to be assigned as the reward calculation approver without access to performance management documents. In RCA these roles are called Tier 2 and Tier 3 Approvers.

Reset Appeal

HR Admins can now reset an appeal without the need to delete and recreate the appeal. 

Change Performance Year

ADG fixed a bug which prevented Post HR from changing the Performance year once a document was created and sent to the employee. Now if a document is created and moves through the approval process in with the incorrect performance year selected, the HR Admins can change the performance year.

In the left navigation menu, go to Organization Admin then select Manage Documents.

Find the document you need to change and then click the Edit icon in the Actions column.

To change the performance period, use the Performance Year drop-down menu to select a different performance year.

Once the Performance Year is changed, the Review Period Date Range will update to reflect the performance period defined in the Mission Profile for annual reviews. You will need to modify the Review Period Date Range for an interim review. Click Save Review Period and Dates to update the document.


System Administrator Permissions

Several features were added for System Administrators to provide more efficient support, now the System Administrators can take the following actions without requiring support from the developers:

Undelete Documents which were erroneously deleted by Post HR.

Remove the UJE - Other Duties as Assigned from the EPR of USAID employees who have transferred from State to USAID.

Re-archive LE staff profiles which were unarchived by Post HR.

Data Quality Report

Post HR can conduct a data quality check at any time using the new Data Quality Report. This report is especially helpful to Post HR during the deployment process or at any time you would like to check the accuracy of the information in GoMBC.

Join Date Hidden

The Join Date was hidden in the Employee Profile to prevent confusion. 

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the Audit Logs were incorrectly appearing in GoMBC.

Workaround for Reports

ADG Developers are working on the bug downloading the Historical Review Report and General Review Report. Until there is a fix, please use the following workaround to download and review the reports. Note the sections are still not working properly, the fix for this is still being worked on by our developers.

From the Left Navigation Menu, click on either the Historical Review Report or the General Review Report.

To view the information you need, click Generate Report.

Once the list appears, then you will click Export to Excel to download the file.

The reports will download with an unknown file type.

You can open the report in Excel by clicking on the downloaded file and then choosing a program to open the document.

Double click on the downloaded file.

In the pop-up window, you will be prompted to choose a program to open this file type, select Excel.

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For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing adg-support@state.gov.
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.


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