Pre-requisites: Must have Mission, Post Administrator, or Manager role |
Topics Covered
Change Review
Target Users
HR Admins (Mission/Post Administrator/Manager)
Required Permissions
HR Admin
The HR Admin (Mission/Post Administrator/Manager roles) can change the status and dates of an AWP/EPR at any time. Statuses can be changed to any previous or future status.
Change Review
1. Select Manage Documents from the Organization Admin menu, then select the Change Review icon.
2. Update the data: To change the status, select any status from the drop down, then Save Status. To change the dates, the review period must first be changed to interim and an interim reason provided. Dates can be changed to any period within the Mission performance year. Dates for annual reviews cannot be edited.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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