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Document Status Process Flow
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Document Status Changes in GoMBC
GoMBC combines the various forms used throughout the rating cycle into one electronic form. Once a Mission implements GoMBC all stakeholders (Rated Employee, Rating Supervisor, Reviewing Supervisor, Pool Supervisor and HR) will use the same document and will have access to view the document throughout the entire rating cycle. The Rating Supervisor will be responsible for drafting the Annual Work Plan (AWP), the first document status in the rating cycle. Once the AWP is acknowledged, the document name will change to Mid-Year Discussion (MYD). After the approvals are obtained, the MYD will then have a status change to Employee Performance Review (EPR). Each status is visible throughout the rating cycle. Initially the AWP will be visible to Post HR in Manage Documents and in Manage Employees. However, once the AWP changes status to MYD, the AWP will no longer appear visible in Manage Employees for HR. From this status forward, the performance document will be available to Post HR in Manage Documents. At all times, the JF-50D can be generated and viewed and/or downloaded as a PDF by everyone in the rating cycle.
Available Actions for Each Document Status
Sometimes Post HR will be asked to return a document to a previous step. It is important that Post HR understand the available actions for each step throughout the approval process before moving the document.
AWP Created: Rating Supervisor can either copy from an existing AWP for the same employee or another employee they supervisor or they can complete each section by selecting the Review Period, setting Review Period Date Range (if the AWP is an Interim), Identify if the employee is in a Probationary Period, enter the Date of Position Description, Toggle if the Position Description is accurate, enter the rating criteria (Continuing Responsibilities, Specific Objectives, and Universal Job Elements), add at least one Development Activity. Set the Probationary Period if applicable. Endorse when finished.
AWP Started: Rating Supervisor endorsed the AWP and it was sent to the Employee to review and acknowledge.
AWP Acknowledged: Employee can review and acknowledge the receipt of their AWP.
MYD Held: Rating Supervisor will have a discussion with the employee and annotate in the MYD comment box their narrative which will be available to the employee in Section 8 of the JF-50D (can be generated at any time throughout the rating cycle). The Rating Supervisor’s comment is also available in the Status History for all to see. Rating Supervisors have the option to enter comments in the Performance Notes and Save (not automatically saved) which will not be visible to the employee until the EPR is released.
MYD Acknowledged: Employee will review and acknowledge the receipt of their MYD with the option to leave a comment.
MYD Acknowledged: Rating Supervisor has the option to update the MYD Comment in the Mid-Year Discussion and Certification section. This is the last opportunity for the Rating Supervisor to make adjustments to the rating criteria and rating dates. If the Rating Supervisor wants to make changes to the Performance Notes, they should do it in this step. Once Start EPR is selected, the comments cannot be changed. Or the Rating Supervisor can click Start EPR.
EPR in Progress: Rating Supervisor will need to score each rating criterion and enter a justification. The last step will be to enter the Overall Narrative (optional) and then Endorse.
Pending Reviewer Approval: Reviewing Supervisor can review the EPR score, justifications, Performance Notes and Overall Narrative entered by the Rating Supervisor. If the Reviewing Supervisor wants something changed, they can Return to the Rating Supervisor. There is an optional comment box available to the Reviewing Supervisor to leave for the employee. The Reviewing Supervisor will click Approve to move to the next step.
Pending Pool Supervisor Approval: Reviewing Supervisor can review the EPR score, justifications, Performance Notes and Overall Narrative entered by the Rating Supervisor. If the Reviewing Supervisor wants something changed, they can Return to the Rating Supervisor. There is an optional comment box available to the Reviewing Supervisor to leave for the employee. The Reviewing Supervisor will click Approve to move to the next step.
Pending HR Approval: HR will conduct a technical review of the EPR and ensure there is nothing inadmissible throughout and the rating dates are correct. HR can leave comments in the EPR which will not be visible to the employee. HR can either Return the EPR to the Rating Supervisor or they can Approve. Once HR approves, the EPR is then moved to the Rating Supervisor to release the EPR to the employee.
Pending Rating Supervisor Release: Rating Supervisor must enter the Date of Position Description and state if the Position Description is accurate. There are optional notes for the Rating Supervisor to enter which will be visible to the employee in the Status History.
Pending Employee Acknowledgement: The employee will need to acknowledge the EPR within 5 days or the system will provide an auto acknowledgment. At this time the employee will have the opportunity to Acknowledge Review Adjustments and/or Acknowledge receipt of the EPR. There is an optional comment box for the employee, comments entered will appear in the Status History, this will also send the EPR back to the Rating Supervisor. Clicking Acknowledge indicates the employee is confirming receipt of the EPR. At this time the employee can also initiate and Appeal if they so choose. If not the EPR will go to HR to finalize.
Pending Employee Comments Review: Rating Supervisor can review the comments in the Status History left by the employee. The rating dates and Review Period can be changed by the Rating Supervisor.
Pending Finalization: HR will need conduct a final review and then click Finalize to complete the EPR.
Finalized: The EPR will now appear in the employee’s History.
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