Initiating the Employee Performance Report (EPR) Follow

Pre-requisites: End of performance period
    Topics Covered
  • Assessing Performance
  • Starting a Review
  • Adding Ratings
  • Certifying the EPR
    Target Users
  • Rating Supervisor
  • Reviewing Supervisor
  • Pool Supervisor
    Required Permissions
  • N/A

Assessing Performance

At the end of the performance period, you and your employee will check in again to formally assess performance. As the Rating Supervisor, you will need to score each of the Performance Criteria set out in the Employee Performance Report (EPR).

Following your endorsement, it will be approved by the Reviewing and Pool Supervisors before passing to HR for final review and release to the employee by the Rating Supervisor. The Total Performance Score recorded on the EPR is then used to calculate the employee's MBC reward.

Each of the Performance Criteria is scored from 0—3. For a full rundown on the rating scale, see the LE Staff Handbook, Performance Management Policy for MBC, or ask your local HR.    


Starting the Review

Return to your employee's Annual Work Plan by selecting Current Documents or My Employees from the main menu.


The AWP should look just as you left it after the Mid-Year Discussion. Before you start scoring the EPR, review the Performance Notes as these can no longer be edited once the process is started. When you are satisfied with the changes, select Start EPR (at the end of the form) to begin adding ratings and justifications.


Adding Ratings


Check over the document to make sure the details are correct. As the Rating Supervisor, you first need to record when the employee's position description was last classified. Enter a date in the Date of Position Description box and confirm whether the position description is accurate.


In the Annual Work Plan section, find the employee's Continuing Responsibilities, Specific Objectives, Competencies, and Universal Job Elements.

Add a Score (0—3) to each of these criteria and provide a written Justification for your score. Make sure to include specific examples to illustrate your decision. Your updates are saved automatically. Once you Endorse the EPR, your scores are shared with the Reviewing Supervisor, Pool Supervisor, and HR

Employees won't see ratings until the EPR is fully approved and released to them by the Rating Supervisor.



Activities listed in the Development Plan are not scored. You should still use this space to certify completion of development activities throughout the rating period.

Certifying the EPR

With all your scores and justifications now in, it's time to start the certification process. Here's what happens next.

  1. As the Rating Supervisor, you can choose to enter an optional overall narrative of the employee’s performance in the comment box. This text will appear to the employee immediately in the Status History and in the JF-50D. You will then Endorse the EPR. 

  2. The Reviewing Supervisor is notified by email of each performance report endorsed by the Rating Supervisor.
  3. The Reviewing Supervisor checks the EPR. If all looks good, they Approve it. If they disagree with any ratings or justifications, they can Return it to the Rating Supervisor for changes. Any comments made by the reviewing supervisor can be seen by the employee in the Status History and section 9 of the JF-50D. Approved documents are then passed to the Pool Supervisor.
  4. The Pool Supervisor reviews every EPR in a performance pool. As before, they can Approve each document as final or Return it with feedback to the original Rating Supervisor. Any comments made by the reviewing supervisor can be seen by the employee in the Status History and section 9 of the JF-50D. Each EPR they approve is passed to HR.
  5. HR will check all documents for inadmissible comments and either Approve or Return to the Rating Supervisor with their own comments.
  6. With the EPR now certified by all supervisors, the Rating Supervisor takes action to Release the document to the Employee who sees their rating for the first time. They have up to 5 business days to add their own comments and either Acknowledge the EPR or start an Appeal. If they do not take action within 5 business days, the application will automatically acknowledge on their behalf. 
  7. If the employee adds comments to their acknowledgement, the EPR is sent back to the Rating Supervisor for comment review. The rater can view and Proceed to send the EPR to HR. 
  8. Finally, HR finalizes the EPR. The final Total Performance Score is used to calculate the employee's MBC reward.


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