Reviewing and Pool Supervisors EPR Roles Follow

Pre-requisites: N/A
    Topics Covered
  • Actions required by the Reviewing and Pool Supervisors
    Target Users
  • Reviewing Supervisor
  • Pool Supervisor
    Required Permissions
  • N/A

Actions Required by the Reviewing and Pool Supervisors

As a Reviewing Supervisor or Pool Supervisor, you will move the certification process forward by acting on EPRs that need your review.

Use the Dashboard (or go to Current Documents from the main menu) to see the supervised Reviews you need to act on. 

If you hold more than one supervisor role, you will find the documents all gathered in the same place.


To review an EPR, select View EPR from the Actions available. This brings up the document, including scores and justifications from the Rating Supervisor.

At the end of the form there's a box for your comments. These are not shared with the employee. From here you can Approve the EPR to go forward (to either the Pool Supervisor or HR, depending on your role), or Return it to the Rating Supervisor for changes. Any comments you enter will be seen by the employee in the Status History and will appear in the JF-50D. 




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