Appeals to an EPR Follow

Pre-requisites: N/A
    Topics Covered
  • Appeals
  • Appeal Process
    Target Users
  • Rating Supervisor
  • Reviewing Supervisor
  • Pool Supervisor
    Required Permissions
  • N/A


When your employee first receives their scored Employee Performance Report (EPR), they have the option to add their comments and then Acknowledge the document or Initiate Appeal if they have concerns about their EPR or the review process. Appeals must be lodged within 5 business days of receiving the scored EPR.

As the Rating Supervisor, you will be notified of the employee's appeal. Find it under Appeals in Current Documents or through the APPEALS section of the dashboard. 


The Action to take is View Appeal.


The appeal shows its current status and comments left by the employee. View Appeal directs you to the employee's appeal.

You have 5 business days to add your comments for the employee and Approve or Disapprove the appeal. Approving the appeal will re-open the employee's EPR for your review. The process of scoring and approval by supervisors and HR begins again.

If you choose to disapprove the appeal, the employee will be notified. They have the option to Cancel their appeal or escalate it to the Reviewing Supervisor. Once again, this supervisor can Approve or Disapprove the appeal.

If the Reviewing Supervisor chooses to disapprove the appeal, the employee can escalate to the Pool Supervisor. As before, they can Approve or Disapprove the appeal.


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The Pool Supervisor normally makes the final call on the employee's appeal. However, in cases where all 3 supervisors are the same person, the employee can lodge their appeal with the Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) after the first level appeal has been disapproved. The DCM can then Approve or Disapprove the appeal. Approving the appeal causes the EPR to be re-opened for review by the Rating Supervisor. Disapproving the appeal at this final stage notifies the employee that their appeal was unsuccessful and requests their acknowledgement of the EPR.

When an appeal is cancelled (at any time by the employee) the scored EPR is returned to the employee for acknowledgement.


Appeal Process

The appeals process may involve up to three levels of review:

  1. Level One: Rating Supervisor
    • When an employee submits an appeal, it will be routed to the rating supervisor.
    • The Rating Supervisor has 5 business days to approve or disapprove the appeal. 
    • If approved, the EPR will be reopened and the Rating Supervisor will be able to review and edit the scores. 
    • If disapproved, the Employee has the option to cancel the appeal or escalate it to the Reviewing Supervisor. A comment is required for appeal escalation.
  2. Level Two: Reviewing Supervisor
    • If the rating supervisor disapproves the appeal and the employee chooses to escalate the appeal, it will be routed to the reviewing supervisor (if the rating and reviewing supervisor are different). 
    • The Reviewing Supervisor has 5 business days to approve or disapprove the appeal. 
    • If approved, the EPR will be reopened and the Rating Supervisor will be able to review and edit the scores. 
    • If disapproved, the Employee has the option to cancel the appeal or escalate it to the Pool Supervisor. A comment is required for appeal escalation.
  3. Level Three (final): Pool Supervisor
    • If the rating/reviewing supervisor(s) disapprove the appeal and the employee chooses to escalate the appeal, it will be routed to the pool supervisor (if this is a different supervisor).
    • The Pool Supervisor has 5 business days to approve or disapprove the appeal. 
    • If approved, the EPR will be reopened and the Rating Supervisor will be able to review  and edit the scores. 
    • If disapproved, the EPR is returned to the employee for acknowledgement.
  4. Appeal Reviewer (Only if all three Supervisors are the same)
    • If (and only if) the rating, reviewing, and pool supervisor are the same person and the employee chooses to escalate the appeal after the rating supervisor review, it will be routed to appeal reviewer.
    • The Appeal Reviewer has 5 business days to approve or disapprove the appeal. 
    • If approved, the EPR will be reopened and the Rating Supervisor will be able to review  and edit the scores. 
    • If disapproved, the EPR is returned to the employee for acknowledgement.
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