Pre-requisites: Bureau Roles |
Topics Covered
Assign Nomination to Committee
Target Users
Bureau Awards Coordinators
Required Permissions
Bureau Awards Coordinator
Assign Nominations to Bureau Awards Committee
All Superior Honor Awards (SHA) for LE Staff and OGA USDH will be processed by Post HR at the Mission where the Nominator is located. The nominations will be submitted by the Nominator and then approved by the assigned USDH Supervisor of each nominee. Once the USDH Supervisor(s) approve their nominees, the nominations will then move to Post HR for technical review of inadmissible information, errors, award overlap and eligibility. After the technical review, Post HR will assign the nomination to a Post or Mission level Joint Country Awards Committee (JCAC) for review and voting. JCAC voting will be managed by Post HR and the JCAC Chair, the Chair will approve the nomination and then send to Finance for funding and the EXEC (Chief of Mission or designate) for final approval. Post HR will then submit all SHAs to the Bureau Awards Coordinator to go through the Bureau level review and voting process.
Once an SHA is assigned to the Bureau Awards Coordinator for review, the Bureau Awards Coordinator will need to take action by assigning the nomination to an awards cycle and managing the flow of the approval process at the bureau level.
Find & Open a Nomination
You will first need to review all of the nominations sent to you from each Mission. All nominations for your action will appear in the Pending Review Area.
From the left menu, in the Bureau Coordinator Area click on Pending Review.
You will see a list of all nominations which are pending your action.
Use the Mission drop-down menu to filter the list for nominations from a specific Mission or the Global Filter to search for a specific nomination.
Click on either the Nomination ID or the Status of a nomination to open and review any nomination on the list.
Review Information
Once the nomination is open, you can scroll to review more details about the Nominator, read the full Justification and Citation and view the Form of Recognition. Bureau Awards Coordinators can make edits as needed in the Justification and Citation without the need to return the nomination back to Post HR. The Form of Recognition is view only and the fiscal data has already been entered and approved by Post finance.
Comments & History
If you would like to review the history, click on History & Comments to expand the view and review. You can also type in the Comment box and then Save to add a comment to the nomination. Comments entered will not be visible to the Nominator or Nominee(s).
Assign Nomination to Bureau Awards Committee
You will need to first open a nomination to assign to a specific committee for review by selecting a cycle.
Use the cycle dropdown list to assign to select the cycle you want to use.
After assigning a cycle, click Send to Committee to send the nomination to the Bureau Awards Committee for review and voting.
Assign Cycle and Process Later
You can choose to assign nominations to a cycle and wait to send the nominations at a later time, to do this click Save. The nomination will save the cycle you assigned and remain in the Pending Bureau Review status until you open the nomination and click Send to Committee.
Return to Post
If you need to return the nomination to Post HR for changes/edits before sending the Bureau Awards Committee, you can open the nomination and then click Return to Post.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.
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