Understanding SHA Bureau Roles Follow


 Pre-requisites:  n/a


Topics Covered
OAS Bureau Roles

Target Users
BAC/HR Admins

Required Permissions
BAC/HR Admins


Understanding Roles in OAS 

The actions you have in the OAS application depend on your defined roles.  Bureau level roles are assigned by ADG System Admins. If you need a role assigned as a Bureau Awards Coordinator, Bureau Committee Member or Bureau Awards Committee Chair, please contact ADG-Support@state.gov.

Whenever you have an action in OAS for your given role, an email notification will be sent to you, however it is possible to disable the email notifications.


Bureau Awards Coordinator (BAC) creates cycles, reviews and assigns nominations to the Bureau Awards Committee for voting. The BAC will also monitor the voting process by accessing reports. If the Bureau Awards Committee Chair notices a nomination has not been voted and needs to be processed, the BAC can move the nomination to the Bureau Awards Committee Chair so they can take action.


Bureau Awards Committee Members vote to approve, disapprove, downgrade or place a nomination on hold. They can also recuse themselves from a vote.  Bureau Awards Committee Members can participate on multiple cycles. If a Bureau Awards Committee Member is unable to continue voting, the BAC can remove their role and/or replace with another Bureau Awards Committee Member.


Bureau Awards Committee Chair reviews, endorses, votes only to resolve tie. This role will sign off on nominations after the Bureau Awards Committee has completed their voting. When the Bureau Awards Committee Chair signs off on a nomination they are endorsing the majority vote of the Bureau Awards Committee and then sending the nomination back to Mission HR for processing. The Bureau Awards Committee Chair has the ability to override the Bureau Awards Committee Member majority vote and to sign off on nominations which have been returned to the bureau for reconsideration without requiring another full review and vote.



For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing adg-support@state.gov.
Visit the Global Application Portal (GAP) for the latest news and information on all the ADG's applications.



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