Pre-requisites: Bureau Awards Coordinator |
Topics Covered
Track Nominations
Target Users
Bureau Awards Coordinator
Required Permissions
Tracking Nominations
You will want to track the status of nominations you receive and process. To find nominations you can use Ongoing for nominations which are still flowing through the approval process. If you want to view nominations which have already been processed you will need to use a Report.
From the left hand menu under Bureau Coordinator, click Ongoing.
This will populate a list of all nominations currently being processed by your bureau. The status of each nomination is listed in the State column.
If you want to view the nominations by status, click on the arrows in the State column to group the nominations together.
You can use any of the filters to narrow your search.
Mission will show a drop down menu of all Missions which have nominations currently being processed.
Cycle will show all available cycles.
Global Filter allows you to search for a specific nomination.
There are two reports available, Bureau Awards and Approved Bureau Awards. These reports are only available to the BAC. All reports can be downloaded and formatted to fit your needs.
Bureau Awards
The Bureau Awards Report contains all the nominations.
From the left hand menu under Reports Area, click Bureau Awards.
You will see a screen appear with filters at the top of the page. To view all awards simply click Search.
This search will display the Mission, Post, Status, Voting Status, Nominees, Award Amount, Nominator, Entry Date (date sent to bureau by Post) and the Exit Date (date bureau returned to Post).
Use any of the filters at the top to narrow your search.
Mission filters by Missions with nominations being processed in your bureau.
Post can be selected after you select a Mission.
Cycle allows you select from any cycle with nominations currently being processed.
Voting Status has the option to choose from any status in the voting process.
Nomination Status allows you to choose from any status in the approval process.
After you've entered your filters, click Search. To download your results click Export to Excel and modify as needed. You will notice more information is available in the downloaded report such as the Nomination ID, Citation, and Employee Type.
Approved Bureau Awards
The Approved Bureau Awards Report contains all the approved nominations.
From the left hand menu under Reports Area, click Approved Bureau Awards.
You will see a screen appear with filters at the top of the page. To view all awards simply click Search.
This search will display the Mission, Post, Status, Voting Status, Nominees, Award Amount, Nominator, Entry Date (date sent to bureau by Post) and the Exit Date (date bureau returned to Post).
Use any of the filters at the top to narrow your search.
Mission filters by Missions with nominations being processed in your bureau.
Post can be selected after you select a Mission.
Cycle allows you select from any cycle with nominations currently being processed.
Nomination Status has the option to choose from any status in the voting process.
After you've entered your filters, click Search. To download your results click Export to Excel and modify as needed. You will notice more information is available in the downloaded report such as the Nomination ID, Citation, and Employee Type.
For additional help, please contact ISC at Post or ADG Support by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ button at the top of the page or by emailing
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