OAS Release 20240124 Follow


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Overseas Award System Release Notes 20240124

JCAC Voting Improvements

  • To improve usability for JCAC members, the Save Comments button will now record the vote. The selected vote will also be displayed on the button after the vote option is selected. The JCAC members will now take the following steps when voting:
    • Step 1: Select a voting option (if approved, no further steps are taken)
    • Step 2: Enter a comment in the New Comment field
    • Step 3: Select the Save Comments button
  • Filtering on the JCAC Voting screen was improved. Also, a bug was corrected that did not record all voting options after filtering by vote status.
  • In the Your Last Comment field, comments from other JCAC members appeared. This is now correctly limited to the JCAC member's last comment. 

Other enhancements

  • Anytime Approver Reassignment: HR can now reassign anytime approvers after the approval process is started. Previously, HR had to return the nomination to Pending Review. This is especially useful if one of the approvers (Management Approver, Custom Approver, or Finance Staff) has departed post. To reassign an anytime approver follow the steps below:
    • Select Ongoing in the HR Area
    • Open the nomination
    • Select the Update Anytime Approvers button
    • Change the desired approvers and select Save & Submit 
  • Display of USDH Supervisor: The USDH Supervisor that approved the nomination is now displayed on all nomination-related screens and nomination forms. Previously, the current USDH Supervisor was displayed.  

  • Filter by Post: A post filter was added to all HR-related nomination queues to assist larger Missions with processing. The filter is set to 'All' by default. 
  • Improvements to Anytime Form: The anytime form now has employee information and their supervisor approvals listed in a grid format to provide a better layout for group nominations. 

  • Skipping of USDH Supervisor: A bug caused the skipping of USDH approvals in a handful of awards. This bug has been corrected. 

  • Incorrect Routing on Annual Awards with Certificate Only: Annual awards with a certificate only form of recognition were incorrectly routed to Pending Effective Date status after COM approval.


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